Are There Enough Raw Materials to Power the World with Renewable Energy?

The urgency of mitigating climate change and addressing energy security concerns has accelerated the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources worldwide. This global energy revolution is driven by an increasing awareness of the need for sustainable energy solutions to meet the growing energy demands of a burgeoning global population. As renewable energy technologies, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, become more cost-effective and accessible, they are steadily gaining prominence in the energy mix. However, the large-scale deployment of renewable energy infrastructure raises an important question: are there enough raw materials to power the world with renewable energy?

This question is crucial in determining the feasibility of a truly sustainable global energy system and in identifying potential challenges that may arise in the pursuit of a greener future.

The Urgency of Global Energy Transition

The need for a global energy transition has never been more pressing. As the impacts of climate change become increasingly evident, there is a growing consensus among scientists, policymakers, and industry leaders that a rapid shift away from fossil fuels is essential to limit global warming and prevent catastrophic environmental consequences.

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The chart illustrates the evolution of global CO2 emissions from the mid-18th century to the present day. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, CO2 emissions were minimal, and they continued to increase slowly until the mid-20th century. In 1950, global CO2 emissions amounted to 6 billion tonnes. This figure had nearly quadrupled by 1990, with emissions reaching over 22 billion tonnes. CO2 emissions have continued to rise at a rapid pace, exceeding 34 billion tonnes annually at present. Although emissions growth has decelerated in recent years, they have yet to reach their peak.

With finite reserves of oil, coal, and natural gas, the pursuit of alternative, sustainable energy sources is crucial to ensuring long-term energy security for countries around the world. Renewable energy has emerged as a key solution, offering not only environmental benefits but also opportunities for economic growth, job creation, and enhanced energy access.

What The Data Says

In recent years, renewable energy sources have experienced remarkable growth, driven by technological advancements, cost reductions, and supportive government policies. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), global renewable power capacity has more than doubled between 2010 and 2021, reaching 3064 GW in 2021 (source). Solar and wind power have emerged as front-runners, with solar capacity increasing almost 10x in last 10 years, and wind capacity growing 5x in the same period.

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Renewable Capacity Statistics 2022 by IRENA

This rapid growth can be attributed to the falling costs of renewable technologies. For example, the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for utility-scale solar photovoltaics (PV) fell by 85% between 2010 and 2021, making it competitive with conventional energy sources in many regions. Similarly, the LCOE for onshore wind decreased by 56% during the same time frame.

Aside from solar and wind, other renewable technologies such as hydropower, geothermal, and biomass also contribute to a diverse and resilient energy portfolio. Hydropower remains the largest source of renewable energy, accounting for 1,211 GW of global capacity in 2021.

The rapid adoption of renewables is transforming the global energy landscape, creating optimism for a more sustainable future. However, as the world increasingly turns to renewable energy, it is critical to address the implications of this shift on the demand for raw materials, and whether the planet’s resources are sufficient to meet the needs of a green energy revolution.

Raw Materials in Renewable Energy

Renewable energy technologies rely on a wide range of raw materials to function effectively and efficiently. These materials form the building blocks of solar panels, wind turbines, and energy storage systems, playing a critical role in the generation, transmission, and storage of clean energy. As the world accelerates its transition to renewable energy sources, the demand for these raw materials is expected to rise exponentially. Therefore, understanding the composition and requirements of renewable energy technologies is essential for anticipating potential supply constraints and identifying opportunities for innovation and resource optimization.

This section delves into the key raw materials utilized in photovoltaic systems, wind turbines, and energy storage technologies, highlighting their significance in the context of a global renewable energy revolution.

Navigating Resource Constraints

The transition to renewable energy relies on a range of strategic minerals, but their significance in this process is not equal. Certain raw materials, such as neodymium, copper, and lithium, are currently more vital due to their unique properties, while others like graphite, cobalt, and indium have existing alternatives.

As the production landscape evolves with ongoing innovations, it is essential to thoroughly examine the material prerequisites necessary for facilitating the shift towards clean energy.

Although long-term accessibility of resources may not be a major issue, the capacity to rapidly expand supply in the short term presents a notable challenge. A significant portion of these critical resources are situated in remote regions where mining could contribute to sustainable economic growth. However, this development is not guaranteed and requires the implementation of solid governance and regulatory structures.

For an effective and seamless transition to renewable energy, it is crucial to conduct precise and transparent evaluations of resource needs, accompanied by well-designed government interventions. Each mineral and metal possesses distinct attributes, and understanding their specific implications is key to successfully navigating the energy transition. In-depth analysis of individual materials will empower policymakers and industry leaders to identify and address potential obstacles and risks, ultimately paving the way for a sustainable and efficient shift towards a greener energy future.

A deeper look at the raw materials powering the energy transition

In this section, we will take a closer look at some of the key materials driving the energy transition and explore their unique properties and potential applications in more detail. By gaining a deeper understanding of the materials that are powering this transition, we can better appreciate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Scarce and potentially scarce materials

Rare-earth elements (e.g., Neodymium, Dysprosium)

These elements are vital for creating high-performance magnets in wind turbine generators, which convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. They are also used in advanced technologies such as electric vehicles and electronics.

The scarcity of rare-earth elements is mainly due to geopolitical risks, as China dominates production, and the complexity of extraction processes, along with environmental concerns.


Silver is extensively employed in solar panels as a conductive material within photovoltaic cells, facilitating the collection and transport of generated electricity. It is also used in the electronics industry and other applications.

Silver’s scarcity is due to high demand across various industries and limited reserves.


Lithium is the primary component in lithium-ion batteries, widely used for energy storage in renewable energy systems and electric vehicles because of their high energy density and long cycle life.

Lithium scarcity is due to limited reserves, concentrated in a few countries, and increasing demand for batteries.


Copper is a vital component in the electrical wiring of solar panels and wind turbines, as well as in transformers and generators of wind turbines, due to its exceptional electrical conductivity.

Copper is abundant but faces increasing demand, which could lead to potential scarcity in the future.


Cobalt is essential for the cathode of lithium-ion batteries, enhancing the battery’s stability, energy density, and performance.

Cobalt scarcity is attributed to geopolitical risk (60% of global supply from the Democratic Republic of Congo) and ethical concerns (artisanal mining, child labor).


Graphite is extensively used as the anode material in lithium-ion batteries, enabling the flow of electrons during charging and discharging processes.

Graphite scarcity is mainly due to geopolitical risks, as China dominates production, and environmental concerns in extraction.

Abundant materials


Silicon is predominantly used in the manufacturing of solar panels, specifically for crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells that transform sunlight into electricity.


Aluminum is incorporated in solar panel frames and mounting systems for its lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and durable properties. Additionally, it is used in wind turbine components, such as the nacelle and tower, and in transmission lines.


Steel is crucial in wind turbine construction, providing strength and durability for the tower, nacelle, and some internal components. It is also used in manufacturing solar panel mounting structures.


Zinc is used in zinc-based batteries, such as zinc-air and zinc-bromine flow batteries, employed for energy storage in renewable energy systems and remote or off-grid applications.


Nickel is used in lithium-ion batteries as a component of the cathode, improving the battery’s energy density and performance. It is also employed in other industrial applications, such as stainless steel production. Nickel is abundant but faces increasing demand, which could lead to potential scarcity in the future.


Manganese is used in lithium-ion battery production as a component of the cathode material, contributing to the battery’s stability and performance.


Vanadium is a critical component in vanadium redox flow batteries, used for large-scale energy storage systems due to their scalability, long cycle life, and ability to store energy for extended periods. Vanadium is not considered scarce but faces increasing demand.

Challenges associated with raw material supply

In this section, we will delve deeper into the hurdles connected to obtaining the necessary raw materials for the energy transformation and examine potential approaches to address these challenges. By understanding these challenges and striving towards sustainable and responsible supply chains, we can support the success of the energy transition and contribute to a more sustainable future.

  1. Geopolitical factors: a significant issue is that many critical raw materials are concentrated in a handful of countries. For example, China dominates the production of rare earth elements (REEs), which are essential for the manufacturing of electric vehicle motors and wind turbine generators. This concentration poses risks to the global supply chain due to geopolitical tensions, trade disputes, and export restrictions, potentially leading to supply disruptions and increased costs. In 2010, China temporarily halted REE exports to Japan, creating concerns about the global REE supply.
  2. Environmental and social concerns: the extraction and processing of these raw materials can result in substantial environmental and social consequences. For instance, lithium mining in South America’s “lithium triangle” (Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile) has been linked to water scarcity and contamination issues, affecting local communities and ecosystems. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), cobalt mining has been associated with human rights abuses and child labor. These examples highlight the need for responsible sourcing practices and improved mining technologies to mitigate negative impacts.
  3. Resource depletion: the growing demand for raw materials may lead to their depletion and increased competition for resources, resulting in higher costs and potential supply constraints. For example, the global demand for lithium, a key component in lithium-ion batteries, is expected to outpace supply in the coming years due to the rapid growth of the electric vehicle market. This issue underscores the importance of resource management, innovative solutions, and the development of alternative technologies.
  4. Infrastructure and investment challenges: securing the necessary raw materials for the energy transition also requires adequate infrastructure and investment. Developing new mines, processing facilities, and transportation networks is capital-intensive and often faces regulatory hurdles, public opposition, and financing challenges. Additionally, the long lead times associated with these projects can create further delays in securing the required raw materials.

To address these challenges, several approaches can be considered:

A. Recycling: recycling is a crucial approach to manage the growing demand for raw materials in the energy transition. By developing efficient recycling processes, valuable raw materials can be recovered from end-of-life products, reducing the need for virgin materials.

For example the recycling of lithium-ion batteries is one area where significant improvements can be made. Currently, only a small fraction of used batteries are recycled. Companies like Li-Cycle and American Manganese are developing advanced recycling processes to recover critical materials such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel from spent batteries. These efforts can significantly reduce the pressure on primary sources and contribute to a sustainable battery supply chain.

B. Material substitution: material substitution involves finding alternative materials or technologies to replace or reduce the use of critical raw materials. This approach helps decrease dependence on specific resources, mitigates supply chain risks, and drives innovation in the energy sector.

Researchers are exploring sodium-ion batteries as an alternative to lithium-ion batteries. Sodium is more abundant and less expensive than lithium, making it a potential candidate for large-scale energy storage applications. Companies like Faradion and Natron Energy are working on commercializing sodium-ion battery technology to offer a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to lithium-ion batteries.

C. Exploration and resource development: investing in the exploration and development of new reserves is essential for securing the supply of critical raw materials. Diversifying supply chains by reducing dependency on specific regions can also help mitigate geopolitical risks and ensure a steady supply of resources.

In recent years, there has been a push to develop rare earth element (REE) resources outside of China, which currently dominates the global supply. Countries like the United States, Canada, and Australia are investing in the exploration and development of their domestic REE reserves. For instance, the Mountain Pass mine in California, USA, is being developed to reduce the reliance on Chinese rare earth supplies and create a more diversified and resilient supply chain.

D. Responsible sourcing: implementing strict guidelines and certification schemes can ensure that raw materials are sourced responsibly, addressing environmental and social concerns. Responsible sourcing practices contribute to creating a more sustainable and ethical supply chain for the energy transition.

The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) is a leading example of an organization working to promote responsible sourcing practices in the minerals supply chain. They have developed the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP), which is a third-party audit program that assesses smelters and refiners to ensure they source minerals responsibly. Companies participating in the RMI can use the RMAP to demonstrate their commitment to ethical sourcing and support the sustainable development of raw materials for the energy transition.


On one hand data shows that there are enough resources to support the transition, on the other hand there is a growing demand for ethical sourcing of these materials to avoid harm to the environment and people.

The management of raw materials is a complex and multifaceted issue that extends far beyond simple supply and demand. As we strive towards a more sustainable and electrified future, it is imperative to address the challenges associated with the extraction, processing, and utilization of these resources. The key to achieving this lies in adopting innovative and responsible strategies that balance the needs of today with the long-term interests of the planet and its people.

Recycling and material substitution are two essential components of this approach. By promoting a circular economy and developing alternative materials, we can minimize our reliance on finite resources, reduce waste generation, and mitigate the environmental impacts of extraction and production processes. In addition, continued investment in exploration and resource development will not only ensure a steady supply of essential raw materials but also drive innovation in new and more sustainable technologies.

Responsible sourcing is another critical aspect of the equation. By implementing stringent environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria throughout the supply chain, we can ensure that the raw materials we use are extracted and processed in ways that minimize harm to ecosystems, local communities, and workers. This will require close collaboration between governments, industries, and civil society to create a robust regulatory framework that holds all stakeholders accountable.

Education and awareness campaigns should also be prioritized to foster a sense of global responsibility among consumers, businesses, and policymakers. By understanding the full implications of our raw material consumption, we can make more informed choices and support sustainable practices both locally and globally.

Finally, fostering international cooperation is crucial to addressing the global challenges associated with raw materials. By sharing knowledge, resources, and expertise, we can develop more efficient and environmentally friendly extraction methods, promote best practices across borders, and ensure that the benefits of sustainable development are shared equitably among all nations.

By taking a comprehensive and proactive approach to managing raw material resources, we can support the global shift towards electrification while simultaneously contributing to a cleaner, greener, and more equitable future for all.

The road ahead may be fraught with challenges, but with commitment, innovation, and collaboration, we can collectively overcome these obstacles and build a more sustainable world for generations to come.

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