Understanding the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)

In the world of software development and cyber-security, the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is emerging as an essential tool for risk management, vulnerability tracking, and compliance. Just like a physical product might come with a list of materials or components that were used to create it, an SBOM provides a comprehensive inventory of all the pieces — including open-source software, libraries, frameworks, and other components — that make up a software product.

What is an SBOM?

An SBOM or Software Bill of Materials is a comprehensive list of components in a piece of software. It typically includes the names of those components, their versions, and other relevant information.

An SBOM’s depth and granularity can differ depending on the context, but it typically includes details such as the names of components, their version numbers, suppliers, and even known security vulnerabilities. With the increasing interdependence of software components and the escalating risks associated with it, SBOMs play a crucial role in ensuring transparency, promoting security, and aiding incident response.

Why is an SBOM important?

SBOMs are essential for understanding the makeup of software and identifying any components that could have vulnerabilities. This knowledge helps developers, operators, and users to mitigate risks, improve security, and comply with license requirements.

What information does an SBOM typically contain?

An SBOM typically contains detailed information about each component in a software product. This information can include the component’s name, version, origin, licensing details, and a list of any known vulnerabilities.

Automated Tools for SBOM Generation

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the need for transparency and visibility in software components has become a critical aspect of cybersecurity. At the heart of this need lies the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) – a detailed inventory of every component that makes up a software product. However, with increasingly complex software applications, the process of SBOM generation can become quite a challenge. Thankfully, automated tools are stepping up to address this very challenge, revolutionizing the process of SBOM generation and management.

In essence, automated tools for SBOM generation are software solutions designed to scan codebases, identify software components, document their details, and generate an SBOM automatically. This automated approach can significantly reduce the time, effort, and possibility of human error that might occur with manual SBOM creation.

Automated SBOM generation tools are not just about efficiency. They also play a critical role in security. These tools can check for known vulnerabilities associated with each component, providing a clear and immediate picture of potential risks. Moreover, they facilitate quicker incident response, allowing organizations to take immediate action in the event of a vulnerability discovery or security breach.

How can automated tools assist in SBOM generation?

Automated tools can scan codebases to identify software components, their versions, and associated licenses. These tools can also check for known vulnerabilities and create an SBOM automatically, saving significant time and effort and reducing the chance of errors.

Advantages of Using Automated Tools for SBOM Generation

Efficiency and Accuracy

Automation dramatically reduces the time it takes to create an SBOM. It also eliminates the risk of human error, which can lead to oversights or inaccuracies. This is especially crucial for larger and more complex software systems, where the sheer number of components can be overwhelming.

Security and Risk Management

Automated SBOM tools don’t just identify components; they also scan for known vulnerabilities. This enables organizations to proactively identify and address potential security risks, contributing to a more robust cybersecurity posture.


With an accurate and up-to-date SBOM, organizations can easily ensure they are complying with software licensing requirements. Automation can help track licenses for each component, a task that can be complex and time-consuming to handle manually.

Improved Incident Response

In the event of a security incident, an accurate SBOM can expedite the incident response process. It can quickly pinpoint which components are affected, helping to mitigate damage and speed up recovery.

SBOM Tools

There are a number of tools available that can help generate a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). Here are a few examples:

FOSSA: this tool is designed to manage open-source security, licensing, and compliance. It automatically generates an SBOM and provides visibility into all open-source components.

Mend.io: this tool offers an open-source security and license compliance management platform. The tool helps to generate an SBOM and provides a comprehensive view of all open-source components used in your software.

JFrog Xray: this tool works with JFrog Artifactory to perform universal analysis of all software artifacts, providing deep recursive scanning and impact analysis. It generates an SBOM that includes detailed information about all components.

Snyk: this tool is a developer-first security tool that helps organizations use open source and stay secure. It can generate an SBOM, helping to monitor and fix vulnerabilities in open source libraries and containers.

Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX): this tool is a standard format for communicating the components, licenses, and copyrights associated with a software package. The SPDX working group also provides various tools that can be used to create and work with SPDX documents, serving as SBOMs.

These are just a few examples of the many tools available. The choice of tool often depends on the specific needs of an organization, including the types of software used, the size and complexity of the software portfolio, and the organization’s specific security and compliance requirements.

Practical Applications of the SBOM

An SBOM is not merely a comprehensive list of components in a piece of software but a powerful instrument that aids in safeguarding against security risks, ensuring license compliance, assessing vendors, conducting thorough due diligence during mergers and acquisitions, and enhancing incident response. Let’s look at practical examples of how an SBOM can be seamlessly integrated into these key areas, fostering a more secure and efficient software ecosystem.

Identifying Vulnerable Components: suppose you’re managing a large software system that includes hundreds of components. A new vulnerability is announced in a commonly used open-source library. With an SBOM, you could quickly determine whether your software is affected by cross-referencing the SBOM with the details of the vulnerable library. Without an SBOM, you would need to manually inspect the codebase, which could take significantly more time and resources.

Ensuring License Compliance: let’s say you’re preparing to release a new software product. You need to ensure that your product complies with the licenses of all its components. An SBOM could provide a comprehensive list of those components and their associated licenses, allowing you to easily verify compliance.

Vendor Assessment: if you’re a software buyer, an SBOM from a vendor can provide transparency into the software you’re purchasing. You can assess the security and reliability of the software by looking at the components it uses and whether they are up-to-date and free of known vulnerabilities.

Mergers & Acquisitions Due Diligence: during M&A activities, thorough software due diligence is crucial. With an SBOM, you can assess the acquired company’s software assets more effectively, checking for potential legal issues (like non-compliant licenses) or technical debts (like use of outdated or vulnerable components) that could impact the valuation or integration.

Incident Response: in the event of a security breach, an SBOM can significantly speed up incident response. By checking the affected software against the SBOM, you can rapidly identify which components may be implicated, helping to mitigate the damage and speed up recovery.


With its ability to enhance transparency, bolster security, ensure compliance, and expedite incident response, an SBOM empowers organizations to take a proactive stance towards managing their software’s DNA. The increased adoption of SBOMs across industries and the development of automated tools to streamline SBOM generation point towards an era of greater software visibility and control.

To continue your exploration of SBOMs and their applications, here are some valuable resources:

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) SBOM Resources: the NTIA’s SBOM portal offers a wealth of information about SBOMs, including FAQs, presentations, and links to other resources.

OpenChain Project: as part of The Linux Foundation, OpenChain maintains a resource page with helpful links about open source compliance, which can be invaluable when generating an SBOM.

Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX): SPDX is a standard for creating SBOMs. Visit the SPDX website for detailed information about the standard, as well as tools and resources for implementing it.

OWASP Dependency-Track: this is an intelligent Software Composition Analysis (SCA) platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain. Visit the OWASP Dependency-Track page for more information.

As we continue to delve into the realm of SBOMs, it’s clear that these tools are more than just a record of software components – they’re an essential part of an organization’s strategy for managing software security, compliance, and risk. By staying informed and using the available resources and tools, we can all contribute to a safer and more transparent software ecosystem.

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